Yesterday’s post was about a flight that was in Greg’s log book, but not in the Squadron Record Book (SRB). Today’s post is about a flight that is in the SRB, but not in Greg’s log book. Did today’s flight happen? Or were these two accounts of the same flight, albeit with some errors in the data?
Squadron Record Book
Here in its entirety is the sheet from the SRB on which the flight is recorded.
And here is a transcript of Greg’s flight – flight no. 5 on the sheet:
Type and Number: R.E.8.2517
Pilot and Observer: P. Lt Gregory. O. AM Dix
Duty: Aerial Navigation
Hour of Start: 1115
Hour of Return: 1125
Remarks: Height 1000’. Visibility poor.
The details are similar, but not identical, to those of yesterday’s flight as recorded in the log book:
Log Book
20 December 1918
21 December 1918
A/M Dix
A/M Dix
10 mins
10 mins
1,500 ft
1,000 ft
Engine test
Aerial navigation
Same or Different?
They might be different flights, but I think it’s the less likely explanation. The fact that each only appears in one source (log book or SRB) is suspicious. And there’s some evidence that record keeping had become a bit sloppy after the armistice. See the post for 11 December 1918, where there was clearly a mix-up in aircraft numbers:
So my money would be on the log book and SRB entries being different accounts of the same flight – with added errors. It wouldn’t be surprising if people’s minds were wandering by this stage. To the prospect of going home, for example. Or Christmas.
It’s been a week since Greg was last in the air, at least according to the flights recorded in his log book. And this one was just a short engine test with A/M Dix.
Log Book
Date: Dec 20th Machine Type: RE8 RE8: 2517 Observer: A.M. Dix Time: 10 min Height: 1500 Course/Remarks: Engine test
Engine Test
Ten minutes in the air, up to 1,500 ft, with Air Mechanic Dix in the observer’s compartment. The log book has nothing else to tell us. All that we can deduce is that in short time they can’t have gone far from the aerodrome!
This was Greg’s only flight with A/M Dix.
Today’s flight was the last one recorded in Greg’s log book as having been in RE8 2517. 2517 was Greg’s usual machine in the few weeks before the armistice, and the one he flew second most often overall – after E27.
It looks as though there is no Squadron Record Book entry for this flight. But there is an SRB entry for a ten minute flight with A/M Dix tomorrow – 21 December 1918 – for which there is no log book entry. Possibly there was a mix up and the two entries refer to the same flight.
Two days after 42 Squadron moved to Saultain, Greg went back to Aulnoy Aerodrome to pick up another aircraft. It wasn’t far: a few minutes’ drive in what was then open countryside. Or he could have walked it in under an hour.
Log Book
Date: Dec 13thMachine Type: RE8
RE8: 2517
Observer: Scarterfield
Time: 10 min
Height: 500
Course/Remarks: Travelling to Saultain
Squadron Record Book
Type and Number: R.E.8.2517
Pilot and Observer: P. Lt Gregory.
Duty: Travelling Flight
Hour of Start: 1140
Hour of Return: 1150
Remarks: Travelling from AULNOY
The Squadron Record Book makes no reference to an observer, whereas Greg’s log book indicates by ditto marks that Lt Scarterfield accompanied him on this short flight from Aulnoy Aerodrome to Saultain. Can’t say which is right. But either this flight or the travelling flight two days previously on 11 December 1918 was Greg’s last with Lt Ralph Scarterfield. They had first flown together on 30 August 1918 from Rely:
Two aircraft from B Flight, 42 Squadron, were in the air today. But the main activity was a couple of parades.
B Flight Orders
B Flight 2/12/18
0900 Parade
For Officers only, outside B & C Flts.
Dress. Drill Order. Gumboots, shoes & stockings drill not be worn.
Flying Orders
(2517) 0930 Lt McDERMONT & Sandbags. Practice message dropping.
(2707) 0930 Lt SEWELL Lt MULHOLLAND Zone calls
10.30 Lt SCARTERFIELD is detailed to take charge of B Flight.
C.E. Gregory, Lt
O.C. B Flight
Parade for Officers
The weather was evidently still bad. Gumboots compulsory, and shoes and stockings forbidden. But the reason for the parade wasn’t specified.
Flying Orders
Practice message dropping and zone calls: some of the skills of war still being practised. It is a while since zone calls were mentioned on these pages:
It is a bit of a mystery why the men should have been on a church parade on a Monday. It is not as if it was a major saint’s day. The Catholic church recognises 2 December as the feast day of a little known 4th century Roman martyr, Saint Bibiana (or, variously, Viviana, Vivian, or Vibiana). But that seems an unlikely reason for a Monday church service for the air force of a country whose established church was protestant.
Perhaps it was just a question of helping to fill the men’s day. And maybe that explains what the officers were doing too.
After yesterday’s unsuccessful attempt, Greg and Lt Scarterfield today reach Aulnoy Aerodrome (Aulnoy-lez-Valenciennes). This flight was part of 42 Squadron RAF’s move from Marquain in Belgium back into France.
Log Book
Date: Nov 25thMachine Type: RE8
RE8: 2517
Observer: Scarterfield
Time: 20 min
Height: 2000
Course/Remarks: Travelling to Valenciennes
The fact that they reached 2,000 ft during the flight indicated better weather – or at least higher cloud cover – than yesterday.
Greg’s Log Book only indicates that they were travelling to Valenciennes. But there were several airfields near the town. Marly, Saultain, Aulnoy, la Briquette and Saint Leger were all local aerodromes, as shown on the following map.
I’m grateful to Great War Forum user fetubi for identifying which aerodrome that 42 Squadron moved to at this stage. (He says that the move was on 28 November 1918, so perhaps that was the date of its completion. There was of course less pressure to complete such moves swiftly now.) And the ever useful Anciens Aerodromes site enabled me to distinguish between the adjacent aerodromes known as Aulnoy and la Briquette.
42 Squadron Moves to Aulnoy-lez-Valenciennes
So, from these various sources of information, we can establish that Greg and Lt Scarterfield flew the 21 miles (34 km) SSE from Marquain to Aulnoy.
The squadron’s new aerodrome was just 2 miles (3 km) south of the centre of Valenciennes. The site is now a housing development, next to a Carrefour supermarket and Junction 21 of the A2 autoroute.
Today was exactly two weeks after Armistice Day, which was when the squadron had moved to Marquain. So Greg’s stay in Belgium lasted just 14 days.
Next Up…
The next entry in Greg’s log book is for 8 December 1918. But it seems likely that there was some joyriding to be done before then. And we will have a couple of entries in Greg’s B Flight Orders notebook to look at in early December.
42 Squadron RAF was on the move again, after 13 days at Marquain, near Tournai, in Belgium since Armistice Day. But today’s attempt to reach the squadron’s new aerodrome near Valenciennes was unsuccessful.
Log Book
Date: Nov 24thMachine Type: RE8
RE8: 2517
Observer: Scarterfield
Time: 20 min
Height: 500
Course/Remarks: Attempt to reach Valenciennes
Attempt to reach Valenciennes
Why was the attempt to reach Valenciennes unsuccessful? We can only guess, but judging by the height at which they were flying (500 ft) it looks likely to have been bad weather. Just because the fighting had stopped, it didn’t mean that the dismal weather would improve.
Today was the day the fighting stopped. It was also the day of Greg’s last flight in wartime, a joyride with an intriguing passenger. Was “Norman” Norman Gregory? And the day of his first post-armistice flight: travelling from Ascq to Marquain Aerodrome, over the Belgian border near Tournai. Meanwhile, the King sends his thanks to the Royal Air Force. And we give a quick preview of Michael Seymour’s new ‘Setting the Scene’ article: ‘When the Guns Fell Silent‘.
Log Book
Date: 11.11.18
Time Out: 10.25
Rounds Fired – Lewis: -
Rounds Fired – Vickers: -
Bombs: -
Time on RE8s: 190 hrs 40 mins
RE8: 2517
Observer: Norman
War Flying: 0 hrs 10 mins
Height: 1000
Course/Remarks: Joyride
Date: 11.11.18
Time Out: 2.00
Rounds Fired – Lewis: -
Rounds Fired – Vickers: -
Bombs: -
Time on RE8s: 190 hrs 45 mins
RE8: 2517
Observer: A.M. Rose
War Flying: 0 hrs 05 mins
Height: 100
Course/Remarks: Travelling to Marquain
B Flight Orders
2872 0800 Lt Bon Capt Gordon Reconn.
6740 1100 Lt Judd Lt Elliott – do -
4889 1400 Lt Sewell Lt Whittles – do -
2517 Lt Gregory Lt Bett Next job
All officers’ kits to be packed and outside the mess by 8.15.
No breakfast to be served after 0700.
C.E. Gregory, Lt
for O.C. B Flight
So Lt Bon and Capt Gordon had a pre-armistice reconnaissance patrol at 8:00am. And at 11:00am, Lt Judd and Lt Elliott went up to reconnoitre the situation as the armistice came into effect.
Who was ‘Norman’?
Greg’s first flight of the day was a 10 minute joyride with “Norman” as an observer/passenger. It is recorded in his log book but was not mandated in the day’s orders for the flight, which Greg signed. So who was this Norman who went on this brief and unofficial flight, just half an hour before the armistice?
According to Cross & Cockade’s list of first world war officers in 42 Squadron RAF, there was none whose surname was Norman. There was a George Norman Goldie, but he does not seem to have been in B Flight, and Greg has never mentioned him. In any event, this George Norman Goldie does not appear on a list of B Flight officers dating from December 1918. And, all other things being equal, he was more likely to have been known to his familiars as George rather than Norman.
A more intriguing – and certainly more poetic – theory is that “Norman” was Lt Norman Gregory, Greg’s brother.
Norman Gregory
Norman Gregory was born in 1894 and would have been 24 in November 1918. He was a lieutenant – a proper, two-pip lieutenant, not a second lieutenant – in the Royal Engineers. His available war records are sparse, but we know that he entered the French theatre of war on 21 July 1918. So maybe Norman found himself near Lille and called in to see his baby brother at Ascq. And perhaps in those heady minutes before it all ended, they went up for a quick spin.
If they did, and if their mother knew, she would probably have been horrified. To have three sons in the war – one in each of the three services – was bad enough. But for two of them to go up voluntarily together in one of those dangerous contraptions at the last minute was…well, probably something she didn’t need to be told about until they could laugh about it later.
In fact, they were nowhere near danger, at least danger in the sense of German guns and aeroplanes. Even if they had flown flat out east for five minutes, they would have not have been halfway to the front line before they had to turn back.
A Working Hypothesis
Whether this is the true explanation of who “Norman” was, we will probably never know. But it has a strong draw at least for me, as I rather like the idea of my grandfather taking my great uncle up for a little caper in the air as his last flight before the armistice. And one further, but admittedly tiny, piece of evidence that Norman was someone quite familiar, is that his is the only “observer” on that page of Greg’s log book whose name is written in cursive script rather than block capitals.
So my conjecture is that it was Norman Gregory that Greg took for a joyride, and that can stand until better evidence refutes the theory.
The Final Front Lines
We used to be able to refer to Greg’s sector confidently as the Lys sector, until his squadron no longer operated along the River Lys. This was as forces advanced east to the the next river – the River Scheldt – and beyond. But whatever the sector was called by 11 November, the ground troops of General Birdwood‘s Fifth Army had moved beyond Ath. In fact they had almost reached Grammont and Soignies, which are closer to Brussels than they are to Lille. And here the line was drawn on Armistice Day.
42 Squadron Moves to Marquain Aerodrome
Greg’s second flight of the day was a travelling flight, as part of the squadron’s move that day. (This was why kit had to be packed up and no late breakfasts were served.) After the guns had stopped, Greg and Air Mechanic Rose flew the 7 miles (11 km) to Marquain Aerodrome, just to the west of Tournai. It took them 5 minutes. At 100 ft, they were practically skimming the hedges. And so it was that Greg and the rest of 42 Squadron ended up in Belgium on Armistice Day.
The King’s Message
Meanwhile, the King sent his thanks to his newly formed, and newly tested, Royal Air Force. This printed copy of his message is at the Royal Air Force Museum, Hendon (behind glass, hence the reflections):
When the Guns Fell Silent
Michael Seymour has written a new article for today in the ‘Setting the Scene’ series. In it, Michael reflects on the circumstances of the signing of the armistice, and surveys some of the consequences of the new-found peace:
Although this post marks the end of Greg’s wartime activity, it doesn’t – quite – mark the end of the Greg’s War blog. As will become apparent, Greg didn’t go home until the new year. Before then, the squadron made three more moves. And there were new photos to be taken, there were joyrides to be had and crashes to be avoided (sometimes). And of course there was Christmas to be celebrated. So there will be more posts to come, but they won’t be daily, and they will no longer involve the activities that were the core of Greg’s war flying since the beginning of June. No more counter-battery patrols, and no more shoots.
The next entry in Greg’s log book is for 20 November 1918.
Things were moving fast on the penultimate day. B Flight was fully engaged in reconnaissance, and then message dropping with the latest information. But they had to see the C.O. or the Battalion Intelligence Officer before going up. Greg and Lt. Bett had the first flight of the day.
Log Book
Date: 10.11.18
Time Out: 6.15
Rounds Fired – Lewis: 200
Rounds Fired – Vickers: -
Bombs: 4
Time on RE8s: 190 hrs 30 mins
RE8: 2517
Observer: Bett
War Flying: 1 hrs 45 mins
Height: 3000
Course/Remarks: Reconn. Successful.
Allied forces were keeping up the pressure on the retreating German forces. The Lewis gun was firing, and bombs were dropping from Greg’s aircraft. But, for him, this was the last use of weaponry.
B Flight Orders
2517 0600 Lt Gregory Lt Bett Reconn: Bombs
4559 0900 Lt Sewell Lt Whittles – do –
2872 1200 Lt Bon Capt Gordon – do –
2707 1500 Lt Wallington Lt Paton – do –
2500 0930 Lt Judd Sandbags MARQUISE.
2924 To be ready at 10.30.
All Pilots to report to the C.O. [Commanding Officer] or B.I.O. [Battalion Intelligence Officer] before going up. All machines when coming home are to drop a message at Divisions giving position of the Hun front line troops, M.G.s etc. The same message to be dropped to our advanced troops.
C.E. Gregory, Lt
for O.C. B Flight
The position of the front line was changing rapidly. In 24 hours it advanced 17 miles (27 km) from Tournai to just east of Ath:
Lt Judd was nor part of the main action, though. He was detailed to take RE8 2500 to Marquise, where No. 1 ASD was now based, as explained in the post for 3 June 1918.