Three flights today: the first in an RE8 around the aerodrome – with an intriguing entry (‘Vacuum Control’) in the Remarks column – and two further afield flying in formation and on a compass course.
Log book entry
Date: 25.4.18
Hour: 2.50
Instructor: –
Machine type and No.: RE 6647
Passenger: –
Time: 45 m
Height: 4500
Course: Aerodrome
Remarks: Vacuum control
Date: 25.4.18
Hour: 5.55
Instructor: –
Machine type and No.: DH6 7670
Passenger: –
Time: 55 m
Height: 2000
Course: Marlboro. Swindon. Aerod.
Remarks: Formation
Date: 25.4.18
Hour: 1.10
Instructor: Lt Gowler
Machine type and No.: RE 3551
Passenger: –
Time: 50 m
Height: 2000
Course: Compass course (Wootton Basset, Chippenham &
Devizes. 5 forced landings)
Remarks: DUAL
Vacuum Control
So what was the ‘vacuum control’ of the first entry (but not the first flight) of the day? I’m grateful to Duncan Curtis, who has provided this authoritative explanation:
‘Vacuum Control’ relates to a feature on some aircraft/engines, whereby the carburettor/s were equipped with vacuum controls. The vacuum control feature allows the pilot to adjust engine mixture for altitude: on early engines no adjustment; then on some engines manual adjustment; and finally all engines gained automatic adjustment via vacuum bellows (post-WW1). For service types equipped with these engines (of which the RE8 was one), the pilot had to demonstrate correct operation prior to graduating ‘B’ on his operational type.
[Topic updated 25 September 2018]
Formation Flying
The second aerial event of the day was some formation flying on a circuit from Yatesbury to Marlborough to Swindon and back, a distance of some 30 miles (48 km):
Cross Country
The third entry in the log book, but actually the first flight of the day, was a cross-country compass course under dual control with Lt Gowler as instructor. The course was a 34 miles (54 km) circuit from Yatesbury to Wootton Basset to Chippenham to Devizes and back.
Today was spent getting more familiar with the RE8, under dual control with Lt Thomas, and doing some consolidation solo work in the DH.6 – despite being forced down by storm:
Date: 2.4.18
Hour: 8.45
Instructor: Lt Thomas
Machine type and No.: RE3551
Passenger: Self
Time: 35 min
Height: 2500
Course: Aerodrome
Remarks: Dual. Turns & landings
Date: 2.4.18
Hour: 10.10
Instructor: –
Machine type and No.: DH7670
Passenger: –
Time: 10 min
Height: 1000
Course: [Aerodrome]
Remarks: Left hand flying. Forced down by storm
Date: 2.4.18
Hour: 11.15
Instructor: –
Machine type and No.: DH7670
Passenger: –
Time: 25 min
Height: 1000
Course: [Aerodrome]
Remarks: Landings (3)
Date: 26.3.18
Hour: 5.15
Machine type and No.: DH5452
Passenger: –
Time: 20 mins
Height: 1000
Course: Aerodrome
Remarks: Practice
Date: 26.3.18
Hour: 7.25
Machine type and No.: DH7670
Passenger: –
Time: 20 mins
Height: 1500
Course: Aerodrome
Remarks: Practice
It’s hard to tell from the log book whether these were
two morning flights, one of them very early;
two evening flights, one very late; or
one early morning flight and one late evening flight.
Sunrise for today in Yatesbury was at 6.58 am and sunset at 7.29 pm (British Summer Time, which had started on 24 March 1918), so it is more likely that they were evening flights. As the afternoon turned to evening and night, the weather, as reported by the Met Office for Salisbury Plain, turned from blue sky (not more than a quarter of the sky covered) to partly cloudy (one half covered), with gentle winds (Force 2) from the northwest. A lovely evening for a 20 minute flight as the sun was setting.
After 4 hours and 45 minutes under instruction in a dual control aircraft, Greg’s second flight of the day is his first solo: a 45 minute flight in a DH.6, reaching an altitude of 1500 ft. 20 minutes after returning, he was up in the air again…and again later in the afternoon.
Date: 22.3.18
Hour: 9.30
Machine type and No.: DH7226
Passenger: [Self]
Time: 40 mins
Height: 1200
Course: [Aerodrome]
Remarks: Dual
Date: 22.3.18
Hour: 10.15
Machine type and No.: DH7670
Passenger: –
Time: 45 mins
Height: 1500
Course: [Aerodrome]
Remarks: First solo
Date: 22.3.18
Hour: 11.20
Machine type and No.: DH7670
Passenger: –
Time: 45 mins
Height: 1200
Course: [Aerodrome]
Remarks: Practice
Date: 22.3.18
Hour: 5.50
Machine type and No.: DH7673
Passenger: –
Time: 40 mins
Height: 1500
Course: [Aerodrome]
Remarks: Practice