A British Aerodrome at Flixecourt?

Among the several undated and unmarked photographs in Greg’s collection is an aerial image with the title “A British Aerodrome”.  For a while, the location of the subject of the photograph proved a puzzle.  But thanks to Great War Forum user Roger Austin, who consulted Jacques Calcine of Anciens Aerodromes, it  has now been identified as Flixecourt, which is some 13 miles (20 km) northwest of Amiens, in the Somme valley.  But that identification has led to another puzzle:  there is no record of an aerodrome at Flixecourt, British or otherwise.  And Greg didn’t fly around there.  So what’s going on?

“A British Aerodrome”

Here the photograph in question, titled in an album in what looks like Greg’s writing.

Oblique aerial photograph of a British aerodrome
Photo entitled “A British Aerodrome”.  Click for larger image. Credit: Greg’s War Collection.

And here is the equivalent view on Google maps today:

Equivalent view today of "A British Aerodrome
Equivalent view today of “A British Aerodrome”, courtesy Google maps. Click for larger image. Or click here to go to Google maps.

The original photograph is technically a high-angle, oblique aerial view.  “Oblique” because it is not looking straight down at the ground.  And “high angle” because the angle of the camera is high enough for the horizon to be visible.  The equivalent Google maps image looks rather flattened, again because of the high angle, and because Google’s imagery is not 3D in that part of France.


Map of location of Flixecourt
Location of Flixecourt, between Amiens and Abbeville, on a modern map, courtesy Google.  Click to go to Google maps.

Flixecourt lies about 13 miles (20 km) northwest of Amiens along the Somme valley, halfway towards Abbeville.  It is on a small stream – La Nièvre – about 1½ miles (2.5 km) before it flows into the Somme.  Flixecourt’s principal industry was jute weaving,  which was the business of the Saint Frères factory in the centre of the photograph , whose proprietors lived in the ornate Château de Flixecourt on the right.  The factory is now part of RKW Group and makes films for consumer and industrial packaging.

What was the Date of the Original Photograph?

It was evidently taken on a sunny day, and the trees look as if they are in full foliage.  The shadows, where visible, are quite short.  (See for example the shadow of the short bush in the sparse trees in the bottom central section.)  So it’s likely that the photo dates from the summer months. And the only summer Greg was in France for was that of 1918.

Is There an Aerodrome in the Photograph?

That’s a good question, particularly as there is no other record of a British Aerodrome at Flixecourt. 

All the land in the distance, above the factory, seems to be farmland.  The only real candidate for an aerodrome is on the centre left of the image.  This the area is to the left of the chimneys and above the buildings.  The present day Google maps image shows it still to be an area of open ground.  Interestingly, the dimensions of the open ground today are about 1,500 ft x 1,500 ft (450m x 450 m), which makes it just about large enough to be useful as a landing ground for First World War aircraft.

Landing Grounds

Wikipedia has this to say about Royal Flying Corps landing grounds:

Landing Grounds were often L-shaped, usually arrived at by removing a hedge boundary between two fields, and thereby allowing landing runs in two directions of 400–500 metres (1,300–1,600 ft). Typically they would be manned by only two or three airmen, whose job was to guard the fuel stores and assist any aircraft which had occasion to land. Accommodation for airmen and pilots was often in tents, especially on the Western Front. Officers would be billeted to local country houses, or commandeered châteaux when posted abroad, if suitable accommodation had not been built on the Station.

Landing Grounds were categorised according to their lighting and day or night capabilities:

  • First Class Landing Ground – Several buildings, hangars and accommodation.

  • Second Class Landing Ground – a permanent hangar, and a few huts.

  • Third Class Landing Ground – a temporary Bessonneau hangar

  • Emergency (or Relief) Landing Ground – often just a field, activated by telephone call to the farmer, requesting he move any grazing animals out.

  • Night Landing Grounds would be lit around the perimeter with gas lights and might have a flarepath laid out in nearby fields. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Flying_Corps]

So it is physically possible that there was an aerodrome or landing ground at the centre left.

Why Might There Have Been an Aerodrome at Flixecourt?

The Château de Flixecourt had some interesting associations with the British military in the First World War.  In 1916 is was home to the Fourth Army School, attended by Siegfried Sassoon among others.  More significant for our purposes was the use of the château in the summer of 1918.  From 5 April to 29 August 1918 it was the headquarters of the Fourth Army, which was under the command of General Sir Henry Rawlinson. And it was from here on 8 August 1918 that Rawlinson launched the Battle of Amiens.  This was the battle that marked the start of the allies’ final offensive:   

The ‘Black Day’ that Marked the Start of the Last Hundred Days

A Busy Time at Flixecourt

Thus began ‘The Last Hundred Days’.  Flixecourt must have been a busy place at the time.  And even though the offensive was strategically halted – or at least paused – on 11 August 1918, the following day saw another significant event:  a visit by King George V. 

King George V's visit to Flixecourt
THE HUNDRED DAYS OFFENSIVE, AUGUST-NOVEMBER 1918 (Q 9251) Group of British and French officers taken at British Fourth Army HQ at Flixecourt during King George V’s visit, 12 August 1918.
Left to right, front row – General Henry Rawlinson; unknown; General Maxime Weygand (in the second row); Marshal Ferdinand Foch; King George V; Field Marshal Douglas Haig; Marshal Philippe Pétain; unknown. Click for larger image. Copyright: © IWM. Original Source: http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205245028

So, with these momentous events taking place at the Château de Flixecourt  in August 1918, it isn’t beyond the bounds of possibility that there was temporary landing ground for aircraft close by.  As Great War Forum user Regulus 1 has pointed out, given the proximity to Fourth Army HQ it would be logical.  Maybe some visitors were ferried in by air.  Although given the risky nature of flying, perhaps not too important ones!  Or maybe planes carried messages too sensitive for the telephone and too urgent for despatch rider.  And if the landing ground was only temporary, that could explain why we don’t see references to it as an established aerodrome.  Except of course in the caption to the photograph.

And the Photographer was…

…almost certainly not Greg.  There is no record of Greg flying in the Somme sector.  42 Squadron RAF operated along the River Lys, and then the River Scheldt (or Escaut).  And if the photo was taken in early to mid-August, as speculated above,  we know that Greg was busy with artillery shoots and counter-battery patrols around Merville, on the Lys, at the time.

Nonetheless, Greg did have some aerial photos from the Somme area. Photographs of Bray-sur-Somme and Mametz from 205 Squadron RAF, and of Cantigny from Escadrille SPA.42 have already been published on the blog –  see https://gregswar.com/tag/somme/.  Maybe this photo came from the same source. 

An Alternative Theory

Alternatively, a less poetic but certainly plausible theory is that someone mislabelled the photograph.  Maybe this was because it was given to Greg and  misidentified or misunderstood to be showing an aerodrome. Perhaps Greg made a mistake, or perhaps the donor did.  

Does anyone have any further evidence, either way?  Please get in touch via the Contact page if so, or by commenting on this post.


Tuesday 16 July 1918 – Mametz Again

Meanwhile, elsewhere in France…

Here is another photograph from the Somme sector, again of the area around Mametz, and again the product of 205 Sqn.

South of Mametz (Somme)
Vertical aerial view South of Mametz (Somme). Click for larger image.  Credit: Greg’s War Collection
South of Mametz (Somme) - Google maps
Aerial view of the same location today (courtesy Google). Click for larger image, or here to go to the Google map view: https://goo.gl/maps/47z47Y7t6FG2

This is similar to but not quite the same as the field of the previous photograph taken on 30 June 1918: 

Sunday 30 June 1918 – South of Mametz

Not a great deal has changed between the 30 June 1918 and 16 July 1918 photos.  But in the 16 July photo, in the woods towards the bottom of the field of view as well as in the scoop out of the woods, there seem to be dark crosses, each on a light circular background.  Red crosses indicating hospitals or field dressing stations, possibly?

As before, it isn’t clear how this photograph came to be in Greg’s collection.  

Monday 1 July 1918 – Direct Bomb Hit on Ammo Train

Following on from yesterday’s post about an aerial photo taken south of Mametz-en-Picardie, today we have another vertical aerial view from  the Somme sector.  This one is complete with fireworks resulting from a direct bomb hit on an ammunition train.

Aerial Views Then and Now

Direct Bomb Hit on Ammunition Train
Direct Bomb Hit on Ammunition Train, southwest of Bray-sur Somme. See dagger for direction of north.  Greg’s War Collection. Click for larger image.

And the view today from Google maps:

The view today of where the ammunition train was hit
The view today of where the ammunition train was hit. North is in the same direction. Click for larger image, or here to go to a zoomable view in Google maps.


Bray is 19 miles (31 km) east of Amiens and 10 miles (16 km) northeast of Villers Bretonneux. The location of this photograph is nearly co-incident with that of an earlier one of a kite balloon, taken on 15 May 1918:

Wednesday 15 May 1918 – Kite Balloon at Bray-sur-Somme

Ammunition Train

The ammunition train appears to be in sidings near what looks like a dump or supply depot, which has its own railway spur.  The following map extract has been stitched together from adjoining 1:20,000 trench maps.

The approximate position of the ammunition train, southwest of Bray.
The approximate position of the ammunition train, southwest of Bray. Extract formed from two 1:20,000 maps, dated June and July 1918. North is vertically upwards. Map credit: IWM/TNA/GreatWarDigital.

There is no sign of the railway tracks on a 1915 1:40,000 map (Sheet 62D). Neither, unsurprisingly, is there any sign on a modern 1:25,000 map of the area, given that the Google aerial view shows no obvious traces.

205 Squadron RAF

The negative number in the titling strip is 205.v.1541. I’m grateful to Timothy Slater (who blogs here and tweets here) for the following information in reply to a tweet of yesterday’s post:

@GregsWar both this photograph and your previous kite balloon photo were taken by 205 Sqn RAF (previously 5 Sqn RNAS). At the time they were flying DH4s on bombing missions for V Bde RAF. I can’t identify any obvious links between 205 & 42 Sqns though.

So today we have evidence of 205 Squadron’s precision bombing.  A good day’s work.

Sunday 30 June 1918 – South of Mametz

Among Greg’s collection of photos from 1918 is a vertical aerial view dated 30 June 1918 and entitled “S. Mametz”, presumably an abbreviation for South [of] Mametz.  My first thought was that this referred to the village of that name a couple of miles west of Aire-sur-la-Lys and not much further north from Rely.  But, despite the village being on the doorstep of 42 Squadron’s airfield, I couldn’t reconcile the photo with a present day aerial view on Google maps.

It was only when I purchased a set of digitised trench maps of the Western Front and learnt to read First World War map references that I realised the answer. The line in the photo’s titling strip that reads 62d.F. is a reference to four 1,000yd squares on map sheet 62d – which lie just south of another village of the same name, near the Somme and a couple of miles east of Albert.  So the photo relates to Mametz-en-Picardie, which is 44 miles (71 km) southeast of Rely, not Mametz-en-Artois.

Aerial ViewsThen and Now

Here are Greg’s photo and the equivalent view today on Google maps:

South of Mametz, 1918
Aerial view of South of Mametz-en-Picardie on 30 June 1918. Click for larger image.
South of Mametz today
Aerial view of the same location today (courtesy Google).  Click for larger image, or here to go to the Google map view: https://goo.gl/maps/svHie4f59N32

The settlement visible in both photographs is Carnoy.  Mametz itself is just off-camera, to the top left.

It isn’t clear how the photo from the Somme theatre came to be in Greg’s collection.  It isn’t particularly clear even why it was taken, other than for general reconnaissance purposes. Possibly it was taken for the forthcoming Final Allied Offensive.  Mametz had seen major action two years previously in the Battle of the Somme, and in fact the village was taken from the Germans in fierce fighting on 1 July 1916.  For an account of its capture, see this article from The Long, Long Trail website:

The capture of Mametz, 1 – 5 July 1916

Since late March 1918, Mametz had been back in German hands. This was as a result of Operation Michael – their major push westwards towards Amiens in the Spring Offensives. It was not to be under British control again until it was liberated in August 1918.  The Final Allied Offensive began on the 8th of that month.  

Mametz is about 4 miles (6½ km) north of Bray-sur-Somme, where a German kite balloon was photographed on 15 May 1918:

Wednesday 15 May 1918 – Kite Balloon at Bray-sur-Somme

Update at 15:30 30 June 2018

205 Squadron RAF

The negative number in the titling strip is 205.v.1521. I’m grateful to Timothy Slater (who blogs here and tweets here) for the following information in reply to a tweet of this post:

@GregsWar both this photograph and your previous kite balloon photo were taken by 205 Sqn RAF (previously 5 Sqn RNAS). At the time they were flying DH4s on bombing missions for V Bde RAF. I can’t identify any obvious links between 205 & 42 Sqns though.


Tuesday 28 May 1918 – The Battle of Cantigny

Meanwhile in France…

Among the items of the Greg’s War collection are various photographs from the Somme sector, which as far as we know he never visited.  And since Tuesday 28 May 1918 was Greg’s last full day in Hampshire, he was certainly not there for the Battle of Cantigny – a small village 3½ miles (5.5 km) ENE of Montdidier – which was fought that day.  The battle’s tactical objective – the elimination of a small German salient whose high ground was inconveniently favourable for the enemy’s artillery – was arguably dwarfed by the greater strategic effect of establishing the capabilities of the American Expedition Force as an effective fighting unit, for the encouragement both of the allied Entente Powers and of the enemy.  Michael Seymour’s article sets out the context of the battle:

The Battle of Cantigny

Five striking aerial photographs of that engagement are published here today.  Possibly they were taken by a French squadron[1], as France was responsible for providing air cover to the American troops undertaking operations on the ground in their first major battle of the Great War. 

The Battle of Cantigny Photographs

These aerial photographs of the Battle of Cantigny are all from the Greg’s War Collection, and are reproduced here with their original captions:

[Click on any photograph for a larger image.] 
Attack on Cantigny by Americans May 1918.  
1. The Bombardment
2. Village and wood after bombardment
3. Advance of the tanks
4. The attack by tanks and yanks
5. Yanks encircling the village

Cantigny Then and Now

Cantigny today is still a tiny place, albeit more peaceful, with the poignantly named Rue de 28 Mai 1918.  Compare Photograph 1 above with its contemporary equivalent below:

The same oblique aspect from the north as Photograph 1 today, courtesy Google. Click for a zoomable view in Google Maps (opens in new tab)

The Tanks…

A number of French Schneider CA-1 tanks [2] were active with the US troops, which was a new experience for both.  The Schneiders were fairly small, turret-less boxes (~21 ft/6 m long by ~7 ft/2 m wide), with a characteristic boat-like prow.  This is visible in this magnified detail of the centre portion of Photograph No. 3:

Schneider tanks
Detail of Photograph No. 3, showing Schneider tanks (marked)

(Note, incidentally, how the tracks that the tanks have left behind them in the spring crops curiously foreshadow the ‘tram lines’ made by the large farm implements of modern agriculture.)

One Schneider CA-1 survives today in the Musée des Blindés at Saumur:

Schneider CA-1
Schneider CA-1 on display at the Musée des Blindés in Saumur. Image credit: Wikipedia user ‘Fat yankey’, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5

The marine-looking prow is seen clearly in this photograph, as is the steel spur above it.  The purpose of this configuration was cut and crush barbed wire.

The US troops gained their objective fairly early in the day, and hung on tenaciously in the face of a brutal counter attack.  Their defence of the newly gained was all the more impressive for it being inadequately supported by artillery as a result of rapid redeployment to resist the Blücher-Yorck offensive.  The Battle of Cantigny was a success for the allies, and particularly for the Americans.


[1] I’m grateful to Timothy Slater (Twitter: @SlaterTimothy) for this:

“The annotations on the photographs confirm they were taken by the French 42nd Sqn (SPA 42). SPA 42 was the French Sqn attached to the 1st American Division between Apr & Aug 1918.”

[2] A post on the Great War Forum (https://www.greatwarforum.org/topic/176720-cantigny-french-flame-and-tank-support/) has a photograph indicating that the tanks were French-manned. 

Header Image: detail from Photograph 1 (Greg’s War Collection)

Post edited 13 September 2018

Wednesday 15 May 1918 – Kite Balloon at Bray-sur-Somme

Kite Balloon at Bray

Meanwhile in France…

Although Greg had not yet got to France, this photograph dated 15 May 1918 of a kite balloon in operation at Bray-sur-Somme somehow found its way into his collection.

But where is the balloon, you might ask?  About half way down the full image, and about one third in from the left hand edge.  Here is a magnified detail:

Kite balloon detail
Kite balloon detail

Kite balloons are shaped to be more aerodynamically stable than near-spherical balloons, and so can withstand more windy conditions.  Both sides made good use of balloons as observation platforms, for artillery support and general reconnaissance. The balloon shown here is probably a German copy of a French Caquot design, designated Typ Ae, standing for  Achthundert english.  The Achthundert is a reference to the ~800 m³ capacity of the balloon, which was based on a captured British model.

Here it is at closer quarters:

German Ae 800 kite balloon
German Ae 800 kite balloon, copied from the French Caquot design. Image Credit: wwi.hut2.ru

The position of the balloon was, when the photograph was taken, some 4½ miles/7 km ESE of the closest point of the forward positions of the British front line between Morlancourt and Sailly-le-Sec, and so was presumably intended to gather information from that direction.

As a comparison of the following two images shows, the landscape hasn’t changed a great deal in the intervening 100 years.  The settlement at the bottom right of the old photo is La Neuville-lès-Bray, which hasn’t expanded much.  Neither has Etinehem in the top right.  And the courses of the Somme and the Canal de la Somme that joins it from the bottom centre of the photo are much the same.

Kite Balloon at Bray
The Somme between Bray and Etinehem 100 years ago: Kite Balloon in Operation. Image credit: Greg’s War Collection. Tap or click for a larger image.
The Somme between Bray and Etinehem today: the kite balloon and field tracks have gone, and the trees have grown, but not much else has changed. Image credit: Google.  Tap or click for a larger, zoomable  view.



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