Wednesday 24 July 1918 – Bilious Attack, Had a Day Off

No flying for Greg today, owing to a ‘bilious attack’.



Wednesday July 24th. Had a bilious attack, & a day off.

Bilious Attack

So what exactly is that?  Collins English Dictionary defines this medical term from another era as follows:

Bilious Attack (British)

[pathology, obsolete]

a group of symptoms consisting of headache, abdominal pain, and constipation
Quite possibly what Greg suffered was a migraine attack.  In migraine, a moderate-to-severe headache (typically on one side of the head only; the word ‘migraine’ derives from ‘hemicranium’) is often accompanied by gastric disturbance including reduced gut motility.
Greg was prone to migraines in later life – a tendency which he passed on the two generations immediately after him (ah, well).  But he swore that he had a remedy that always caused a migraine attack to abort: a stiff glass of whisky.  Sadly, it never worked for me!
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