Today was a shoot with the big gun – or more properly the big 12 inch howitzer – of 524 Siege Battery RGA. Thirty 12 inch rounds in the record time of 1 hr 22 mins.
Log Book
Date: 18.8.18 Time: 6.20 Rounds Lewis: - Rounds Vickers: - Bombs: 2 Time on RE8s: 132 hrs 35 mins RE8: E27 Observer: Lt Hodgson Time: 2 hrs Height: 4000 Course/Remarks: Shoot with 524 S.B. 12” How. 30 rounds in 1 hr 22 m.
Sunday Aug 18th. Down for dusk patrol. Did a shoot instead, with 514 S.B., 12” How. Got off 30 rounds in record time.
Squadron Record Book

Type and Number: R.E.8.27 Pilot and Observer: P. Lt Gregory. O. Lt Hodgson Duty: Art Obs on H.B. Destructive. Hour of Start: 18.20 Hour of Return: 20.20 Remarks: S. with 524 S.B. (1-12”) on H.B. at R.3.d.58.39. [East of Lestrem] (P). Called 18.34. K 18.36. L 18.39. G 18.42. 29 ranging rounds:- 1OK, 3Y, 5Z, 9A, 4B, 7W. O.K. on ranging pit and O.K. on No3 pit by a shot at Z8 causing an explosion. Total No of rounds fired 29, av. Rate of fire 2.45. CI sent 20.7. 18.23 2EKB north of ESTAIRES. 18.30 2-25lb bombs dropped at K.36.d.1.6. Two bursts obs. 19.23 ) KK ) 19.42 ) KK ) Flashes at G.22.c.4.7 approx [West of Sailly] 19.44 ) KK ) 19.48.Three flaming onion batteries firing at G.8.c. & G.14.a. 19.58 Green Very lights from K.18.d.2.9 and L.19.a. Fires in CROIX DU BAC and STEENWERCK burning continuously. Vis:good. Height 4000’. Obs by P & O.
12 Inch Howitzer
Greg does not record whether the 12″howitzer used by 524 SB was railway mounted or static, but both of these monsters are shown in action in this footage from the Imperial War Museum’s collection:
More on the railway-mounted 12″ howitzer, made by Elswick Ordnance Company, here:
And more on the static 12″ howitzer, made by Vickers, here:

Flaming Onions
More on ‘Flaming Onions’ here:
Updated with Squadron Record Book info and corrected to say that 524 SB was operating a single 12″ Howitzer, as shown by the SRB – 28 September 2018 16:30