Wednesday 6 November 1918 – B Flight Orders

It was another non-flying day for Greg, but today we can see why. For the last few days of the war, we have copies of the daily orders for B Flight, 42 Squadron RAF.  And today’s entry shows that Greg was the first reserve pilot on the list for any job that fell due after the already scheduled reconnaissance flights and shoots.  As it turned out, he stayed on the ground.  

B Flight Orders

B Flight Orders cover

B Flight Orders
B Flight Orders
2707 0800.1030 Lt Sewell     Lt Whittles   RECON.
6740 1400.DUSK Lt Judd       Lt Elliott    - do –
E27            Capt. Ledlie  Lt Mulholland SHOOT
4889           Lt Bon        Capt. Gordon  - do –
               Lt Wallington Lt. Bett      - do –
               Lt Gregory

                             Wm. Ledlie, Capt

Presumably other flights from the squadron will have fielded aircraft for further reconnaissance patrols and other jobs during the day.

The flight’s daily orders, and presumably those for the other flights, were nothing very grand.  They were hand written and signed by the Officer Commanding the flight or his deputy.  What we see above is evidently a carbon copy of the orders in Army Book 152, a correspondence book for field service.  Probably a notice board or somewhere equally prominent displayed the original for all concerned to see.



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