Sunday 8 December 1918 – Rigging Test

Back in the air again for the first recorded flight since travelling to Aulnoy on 25 November 1918.  It was a mere 30 minute rigging test.

Log BookLog BookLog Book

Date: Dec 8th 
Machine Type: RE8 
RE8: 2924 
Observer: Scarterfield 
Time: 30 min 
Height: 3500 
Course/Remarks: Rigging test. O.K.

Squadron Record Book

The information in Greg’s log book is sparse.  So is that in the Squadron Record Book entry:

Squadron Record Book entry of rigging test
Squadron Record Book entry. Click for larger image.
Type and Number: R.E.8.2924
Pilot and Observer: P. Lt Gregory. O. Lt Scarterfield
Duty: Test flight
Hour of Start: 1035
Hour of Return: 1105
Remarks: Rigging test.  Satisfactory.

Rigging Test

Greg’s rigging test was in RE8 2924, with Lt Scarterfield.  This was the first time that Greg had flown this aircraft.  At a later date, it would be the last RE8 that he flew.

The flight was for 30 minutes.  Short, maybe, but the longest flight he had taken since his 1 hr 45 min reconnaissance and message dropping outing on 10 November 1918, before the armistice.  And as it turned out, no flight after this one would be longer than 15 minutes.

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