Wednesday 8 January 1918 – RE8 2924 and Lt McDermont

On New Year’s Day 1919, Greg had ferried RE8 2924 (strictly speaking RE8 C2924) from Saultain to Abscon in his last recorded flight. The aircraft would remain at Abscon until 6 February 1918, when it was handed over to 13 Squadron RAF at St Omer.  So on 8 January 1919 it would have been at Abscon, where this photograph was taken.  

Houses of Abscon’s citรฉ ouvriรจre are clearly visible in the background.  Lt John G. McDermont is believed to be standing on the left. 

Photo of RE8 C2924 at Abscon with Lt John Gilchrist Johnston McDermont.
RE8 C2924 at Abscon. Lt John Gilchrist Johnston McDermont is believed to be standing on the left. Click for larger image. Photo credit: Air Force Museum of New Zealand, MUS05056.

This photograph looks as though it is one of a series that includes the photograph in the 1 January post:

Wednesday 1 January 1919 – Gregโ€™s Last Flight

John Gilchrist Johnston McDermont

Lt John Gilchrist Johnston McDermont was born on 10 May 1896. This would make him 22 when the photograph was taken, and a little over two years older than Greg.

Lt McDermont was a pilot with B Flight, 42 Squadron RAF.  When the squadron moved from Aulnoy to Saultain on 11 December 1918,  he and his observer Lt Elliott crashed on landing RE8 D6740 at Saultain, but were both recorded as ‘OK’ in the casualty report, as previously noted here.  (On the same occasion Greg and Lt Scarterfield had ferried RE8 2924 to the new aerodrome.)  

After the war, Lt McDermont emigrated to New Zealand.

Thanks to…

  • Matthew Oโ€™Sullivan, Keeper of Photographs at the Air Force Museum of New Zealand for sending me the photograph and information about Lt McDermont, as well as for granting permission to use the photo here.
  • Andrew Pentland of, whose Royal Flying Corps pages contain information about RE8 C2924 and Lt McDermont.
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